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A Waiting Glory

Oh my goodness, surgery is done! It was a bit of a wild ride, but I am so very glad that it is over and we can move on to the next step. Recovery has been easy peasy and I am looking forward to meeting with my fertility specialist in the next few weeks and working out all the details surrounding our very first IUI procedure. (Woot! Woot!)

For the past few weeks I’ve been taking part in She Reads Truth's Lenten Bible Study as they read through the book of Joshua. (Sidenote: I highly recommend She Reads Truth. Definitely check them out of you’re looking for a solid Bible study. They also have He Reads Truth versions of every study, and some Kids Read Truth versions as well.)

To set the stage: the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years, being denied the promised land (Israel) because of their own disobedience. When God finally shepherds them into Israel under the leadership of Joshua, they’re met with opposition. Israel is already firmly occupied. There are kingdoms left and right and strongholds (like Jericho) that seem impenetrable.

But, with God, they defeated so many armies and kings. Every obstacle, every stronghold, and every enemy was removed from their path as they walked the road of victory that God had laid out before them. As you progress though Joshua you see that God not only weeds out the enemy armies, but also pinpoints, and destroys, disobedience and sin inside the Israelite encampment as well. It's so crazy to me, up here on my high horse, that the Israelites witnessed so many miracles at the hands of the great and mighty God but still disobeyed Him, still required punishment and grace, over and over again. 

And yet, as I continue to study to book of Joshua, I cannot help but see the correlation between our life and the Israelites as a whole. We’ve had our years in the desert as well (thankfully not 40!), years that felt fruitless and empty, feeling like they were a burden or sometimes even a punishment.

But now God seems to be calling us into this “promised land”. I can’t say for sure if we would have been faithful enough to venture this path without such clear signs from the Lord, but here we are regardless. We are mere steps away from the real possibility of pregnancy and being able to parent a living child. It is seriously astounding that a few months ago we had NO idea that this was coming, no hope that we would ever become pregnant outside of some insane miracle. And then God gave us that very miracle…and hasn’t stopped providing them.

What a reminder that God doesn’t rely on our faithfulness to bring about His glorious works. 

Just like with the Israelites, He’s showing us His victory at every step. Every time something comes up He just washes it away. Every worry, every concern, and every roadblock just seems to be for naught.

 I’ve never identified with the Israelites outside the walls of Jericho more than I do right now. I’m not “naming and claiming it”, because I can no more command the Lord God than I can command the sea, but I am listening to His guidance and am willing to do whatever He asks of me. Believing that He can and truly will accomplish whatever He desires, no matters how impossible it seems. 

 I believe that He never calls us to hardships or waiting for nothing, He always has a plan.

We are the Israelites. We have waited and, I think, we have been shaped and molded into something better. The Lord has labored over us and weeded out sinful parts of our hearts. He has revived us, making us more whole than we could ever have been without our years of waiting. We certainly haven’t “arrived”, but I’m so very glad He made the effort to bring us that much closer to Him. 

That's the miracle in the waiting: that God’s glory can be made so much more for ALL the time that was spent in preparation for such a time as this. 

P.S. We are still in the middle of raising more funds for our fertility treatments.  If you're interested in learning more about our puzzle fundraiser (or donating) you can look at (and follow) our Facebook page below:

Cunningham Fertility Fundraiser


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