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Showing posts from March, 2020

Control Amidst The Coronavirus

If you haven’t been living under a rock you’re probably pretty up to date on the latest pandemic sweeping through our world right now. Covid-19, the Coronavirus, has us all on our toes. And I’m tripping.  Seriously, Anxiety, party of one? 🙋🏻‍♀️ I have a real problem with control. I’ve had it since I was a child. It manifested itself as a deep need to never be away from my mom (sorry for all the failed sleepovers Mom!). But really, it was just a deep need to be in my familiar, controlled environment.  As a teenager and young adult I frequently felt the overwhelming desire to just “go home” whenever I felt too overwhelmed or anxious. Fast forward to living in the real life and discovering that going home didn’t work anymore. I was home, and I still felt out of control.  I need a plan. If there isn’t one, I make it, and I get a gold star, every time, for sticking to it. But the world doesn’t work with timelines and gold stars. It’s a series of misdirections ...