So much has been going on in our lives lately. I've been wanting to blog about things for a while now but I've held off simply because there is so much I want to say and so much I can't say! Last month we were officially approved for foster care through CSV! Such a blessing to have all the paperwork and home studies finished! We had about one whole day to take a deep breath and relax before we got THAT call! Crazy huh!? So, here we are, a month later, building a family from the broken pieces of each of our lives. It's been an amazing month, and an extremely challenging one. I want to scream at how unfair life has been to both of us. I want to show Little One that there is a way of life far different from what she has known and teach her the forgiveness and grace of an amazing Savior. I want to convince Little One that a new pair of shoes or a new jacket does not mean she will never see loved ones again, or that we are replacing someone. I wish Little...
This blog is an outlet though which I can share about my life and the part that God plays in it. I have suffered great grief within these pages, but great love has met me here too. Hopefully this blog will always be a light that points to Jesus. I have come from riches, been reduced to rags, but it is in the darkest moments of life that God's glory has truly been displayed.