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Showing posts from 2017

A Post Of Answers

Iā€™ve always tried to be an open book about our struggles. Since Kimber died Iā€™ve encouraged everyone to ask whatever questions theyā€™ve had, whatever things theyā€™ve wondered, and Iā€™ve always tried to answer openly and honestly. Iā€™ve been someone who bursts with encouragement, thank you God for that spiritual gift, and it is second nature to encourage other women whoā€™re grieving; both the loss of a child or the lack of the possibility of one.   So, have you wondered...What itā€™s like living with Infertility after loss?   Itā€™s like you suddenly joined this ridiculously exclusive club, one where people are bonded by grief, but then, one by one, the other members seem to rise out of it, or to other levels. And youā€™re left alone. They canā€™t share with you the same way they once did. Partly itā€™s because they donā€™t want to hurt you, and partly because you just donā€™t have the same things in common a...

Life In Bereavement

I have loved watching the journey of bereavement unfold in my life. Four years ago I would never have thought that I would be where I am now but I am so so thankful for the adventures that have brought me here. I'm thankful for a loving Father who has spoken the words of scripture into my heart and has redeemed the greatest pain in my life and created in it my greatest calling.  "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ. Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as yo...

A Testimony Of My Abba Father

This is just a short testimony I gave at a women's event last week.I wanted to share because throughout the week leading up to it i felt attacked and undermined by Satan. I was in a state of  confusion and denial about my self worth and the importance of sharing testimonies. Through my struggles to define this testimony God encouraged me through a dear friend and her prayers and opened my heart to obedience, especially during struggles  This year my relationship with God has been deepening in new ways and I have felt myself more vulnerable to attacks from the evil one. In each circumstance God has given me the confidence to overcome them, even as I have struggled to fully comprehend the layers of deceit being whispered into my life. The have served as  reminders that my Abba Father is still so very loving and faithful. My experiences this week and the Spirit of strength inside me enabled me to dig deeply in...

Let Us Be Warriors, My Darling

We had such a wonderful year last year.  When God led us to stop all fertility treatments and stop actively trying to conceive, I felt like the year would drag on and would be boring and uneventful. Thankfully we had a year full of so many adventures, from start to finish. Looking back I can see the heart of our Father giving us so much joy in our year of waiting.  Amidst the joy there were also so many things to learn. It's amazing to see how the Lord's beautiful plan took shape as we learned things, piece by piece through 2016. We focused on moving forward throughout the year. We wanted to find peace in a world where we had only Kimber in Heaven. We wanted desperately to be content to live in the will of our Father, focusing on the idea that we might never have more children. Throughout the year we had recurring moments when our passion for children was brought back to the front of our minds. Repeatedly I think we both made the effort to lay that passion aside...