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Showing posts from April, 2023

Dear John

 Hey Babe, For the record, I still freaking hate this. I hate that youā€™re dead. I hate that some stupid ridiculously selfish choice ended your whole lifeā€¦and changed mine forever.  I didnā€™t want this. I promised to love you forever, to choose you forever, to honor you foreverā€¦and forever freaking ended way too soon. And I still hate it. I wanted forever with you, John, I still want that forever with you.  I understand all the crazy things that widows do now. I understand why they get rid of all the things. I understand why they sell their house and move. I understand why they cut people off. I understand why they hide. I understand why they run away.  Because Iā€™ve wanted to do all of those things, Babe, I have. Iā€™ve wanted to take all the ā€œeasyā€ way outs. Iā€™ve wanted to just hate the world you left me all alone in. Iā€™ve wanted to force my heart to stop feeling all of the thingsā€¦even the good things. Because having you missing from me was the deepest cut to my soul Iā€™...

I am JUST Her Mom

I sat with my daughter on the beaches of Virginia and I breathed in the salty air. Writing while I am at the beach is one of my most favorite things to do. There is something about the sand and the waves that brings clarity to my soul.  So, I sat with some hard things this week, while my kid splashed in the waves and our dog tried to eat seaweed any chance he got. I sat and I prayed and I wept and I wrote. She's lost so much in her short life, this wonderful, frustrating, kind, heartbroken kid of mine. She's been left and hurt and broken...and she deserves so much more. And, somehow, I think that I have this false sense of guilt that I need to be that "more". She should have had John as her dad, I should have had John as a partner in this journey. And somewhere along the way I think I bought into the lie that I  had to be both mother and   father...both Katharine and John to her.  And I have failed, guys. I've failed often. Because, as amazing and wonderful as w...